Meagan Fisher
Engineering Manager
Meagan Fisher
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John Doe
UI/UX Designer
Key features
Why use Atomize React?
Atomize React helps you in building fully responsive websites and products that match your style.
Beautiful & consistant UI powered with React.
Based on Atomic Design Methodology.
Theme Setup
Auto updating colors and Styleguide.
Ever-increasing list of components.
Build fully responsive structures easily.
Multiple customisations to suit your style.
Icon System
An inbuilt Icon system for faster development.
Code the perfect design for each project using Atomize.
const PaymentCardBlock = () => (<Div bg="white" shadow="2" rounded="xl" m={{ b: "1rem" }} p="1.5rem"><Divborder={{ b: "1px solid" }}borderColor="gray300"p={{ b: "0.75rem" }}><Text textSize="title" textWeight="500">$1,410.16</Text><Text textSize="caption" textColor="light">per month</Text></Div><Div d="flex" justify="space-between" p={{ t: "1rem", b: "1.5rem" }}><Div><Text textSize="caption" textColor="dark">Payment Card</Text><Text textSize="caption" textColor="light">Component</Text></Div><Div><Div d="flex" h="20px">{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(num => (<Iconkey={num}name="StarSolid"size="14px"color={num === 5 ? "gray400" : "info700"}m={{ r: "0.125rem" }}/>))}</Div><Text textSize="caption" textColor="light">Rated 4.0/5</Text></Div></Div><Buttonrounded="lg"bg="info700"hoverBg="info800"w="100%"textWeight="500">Use this design system</Button></Div>)
per month
Payment Card
Rated 4.0/5
Meagan Fisher
Engineering Manager
Meagan Fisher
per month
Payment Card
Rated 4.0/5
Meagan Fisher
Engineering Manager
Meagan Fisher